The C.I.M.E. consultation on Dynamical structures, held in Cetraro (Italy), June 19-26, 2000, curious about the newest advancements in numerous very important parts in dynamical structures, with complete improvement and historic context. The lectures of Chow and Mallet-Paret specialise in the realm of lattice differential structures, the lectures of Conto and Galleotti deal with the classical challenge of category of orbits for two-dimensional independent platforms with polynomial correct aspects, the lectures of Nussbaum specialize in functions of fastened element theorems to the matter of proscribing profiles for the suggestions of singular perturbations of hold up differential equations, and the lectures of Johnson and Mantellini care for the life of periodic and quasi-periodic orbits to non-autonomous platforms. the quantity should be of curiosity to researchers and graduate students operating in those areas.
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