By Christoph M. Hoffmann
It's the view of the writer that the streams of geometric and strong modeling are converging, and that because the value of this convergence is expected and well-known, the necessity for the advance of thoughts to bridge the distance among the 2 turns into serious. This publication is dedicated to filling that desire. "Geometric and strong Modeling" bargains with the suggestions and instruments had to layout and enforce solid-modeling structures and their infrastructure and substrata, making this knowledge remarkably accessible--to the amateur in addition to to the skilled dressmaker. the fundamental algorithms and the underlying conception had to layout those platforms are given fundamental emphasis. suggestions for the learn and implementation of geometric algorithms are taken from desktop technological know-how, numerical research, and symbolic computation, between different components. specified awareness is given to geometric investigations of implicit and parametric surfaces, with the focus being the prospective integration of geometric and reliable modeling.
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