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By means of the Academies of the 2 international locations – to the Italian-Swiss collage of Lugano for the two-day-Symposium. The query of the which means of “truth” is important to many components of latest debate, no matter if among these subscribing to a post-Enlightenment view of the area and those that search basic fact in non secular texts, or among these retaining that there are absolute truths and people believing evidence to be social constructs. For a few, the last word fact is published via spiritual religion and t- tual authority. Can this view be reconciled with an evidence-based, materialist, post-Enlightenment standpoint of the reality as embraced via the average sciences? If faith holds the main to the reality, which faith and which truths? throughout the 5 thematic classes of the symposium, all attended by means of an analogous viewers and by means of all of the audio system and panel participants, those and lots of different qu- tions, yet particularly the only concerning the which means of fact, have been tested and debated. the full diversity of views represented at the panels and within the au- ence got here to the fore. After the keynote lecture through Professor Simon Blackburn, the 5 classes coated the subsequent disciplines: philosophy, arithmetic, physics, cosmology, the organic sciences together with biodiversity and sustainability, h- tory, the social sciences, theology and faith. This quantity comprises the audio system’ lectures, the corresponding reactions of the invited panel individuals in addition to the panel and basic discussions of the two-d- symposium.

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